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The Improv Gym
Solo Improv Exercises

The Improv Gym is a collection of chatbots that offer solo improv exercises, allowing improv students to practice improv alone. You could think of each bot as a different improv game.


The hope of The Improv Gym is to allow improv students to practice critical skills that require rote repetition without a coach or studio space. Instead students can focus on ensemble work and higher skillsets when working with their coaches.

At present, the four improv bots available to you are designed to help improvisers practice working with flawed partners.More bots with new purposes are coming soon.


Prepare to defend yourself against bad improvisers by practicing with some of their worst habits. If you can pull off a good improv scene with these bots then you can do the same with anyone at your next jam, audition or new team!

Questioning Carol Headshot.png

QUESTIONING CAROL is a newer improviser who never heard a line of dialogue she didn't have a question about. She doesn't always ask a question when she speaks, but you might not notice under the barrage of inquiries she'll fire at you. Click here to play a scene with her.

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ARGUMENTATIVE ARNOLD is too focused on being right and seeming smart. Plus sometimes he is an outright rage machine. Get practice agreeing to, deflecting and building on top of Arnold's argumentative offers. Click here to play a scene with him.

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STEVE THE STEAMROLLER is a force of nature when improvising. You can't expect him to quell the storm of creativity that rages inside him when he improvises. Mostly this means he'll cut you off when you're speaking and redirect the scene. Click here to play a scene with him.

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UNCERTAIN URSULA doesn't want to make a mistake. She is so determined not to, she largely refuses to add information to her scenes and often undercuts her own opinions. Practice building a scene with a partner who won't contribute. Click here to play a scene with her.


You Initiate = If highlighted in blue, the scene will start after you type and enter an initiation inspired by the suggestion

Questioning Carol Initiates = If highlighted in blue, Questioning Carol will provide the first line of dialogue based on the suggestion. This will happen automatically if selected after a suggestion is asked for. Note, expect a slight delay in Questioning Carol's first response, maybe 15-30 seconds.

Suggestion = Click in order to receive a random suggestion for your scene.


**Scroll down to see other buttons**

Send = Clicking sends your latest typed out  response to Questioning Carol for response.


Button = Clicking lets you send one final message that Questioning Carol will not respond to. You have ended your scene by putting a button on it.

Wipe = Clicking erases all lines of dialogue and the suggestion allowing you to start a fresh scene.

Download My Scene = Clicking downloads a hard copy version of your scene typed out like a movie or play script.

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