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Ari Voukydis

Corporate Instructor

Ari has taught improv at UCBT, both in New York and LA, for more than 20 years. He has written, produced, directed and/or performed in roughly (and keep in mind this is not an exact number) one billion shows including ASSSCAT, Harold Night and WFQ (iykyk). He’s written for Ring Nation with Wanda Sykes, SNL Weekend Update, BuzzFeed, GQ, and Entertainment Weekly and has appeared on Conan, The Tonight Show, and almost 100 VH-1 shows like “The Best Week Ever” and “I Love the 80s.”

In the early 2000s Ari pioneered the UCBT's corporate training program, building curriculums, training other facilitators and trailblazing for the industry. He is a master at connecting improv exercises to workplace development and team building.

Ari Voukydis


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